
single : DefaultableParameterConfigParams data -> CliBuilder data {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required parameter of a custom type to your CLI builder.

You need to provide a kebab-case type name for your help messages as well as a parser for said type. The parser needs to return an Err (InvalidValue Str) on failure, where the Str is the reason the parsing failed that will get displayed in the incorrect usage message.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter fails to parse or is not provided.

Parameters must be provided last after any option or subcommand fields, as they are parsed last of the three extracted values, and parameter list fields cannot be followed by any other fields. This is enforced using the type state pattern, where we encode the state of the program into its types. If you're curious, check the internal Builder module to see how this works using the action type variable.

    Color : [Green, Red, Blue]

    parse_color : Arg -> Result Color [InvalidValue Str, InvalidUtf8]
    parse_color = \color ->
        when Arg.to_str color is
            Ok "green" -> Ok Green
            Ok "red" -> Ok Red
            Ok "blue" -> Ok Blue
            other -> Err (InvalidValue "'$(other)' is not a valid color, must be green, red, or blue")

    { parser } =
        Param.single { name: "answer", type: "color", parser: parse_color },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "blue"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed Blue

maybe : ParameterConfigParams data -> CliBuilder (Result data [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional parameter of a custom type to your CLI builder.

You need to provide a kebab-case type name for your help messages as well as a parser for said type. The parser needs to return an Err (InvalidValue Str) on failure, where the Str is the reason the parsing failed that will get displayed in the incorrect usage message.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter fails to parse.

Parameters must be provided last after any option or subcommand fields, as they are parsed last of the three extracted values, and parameter list fields cannot be followed by any other fields. This is enforced using the type state pattern, where we encode the state of the program into its types. If you're curious, check the internal Builder module to see how this works using the action type variable.

    Color : [Green, Red, Blue]

    parse_color : Arg -> Result Color [InvalidValue Str, InvalidUtf8]
    parse_color = \color ->
        when Arg.to_str color is
            Ok "green" -> Ok Green
            Ok "red" -> Ok Red
            Ok "blue" -> Ok Blue
            other -> Err (InvalidValue "'$(other)' is not a valid color, must be green, red, or blue")

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe { name: "answer", type: "color", parser: parse_color },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

list : ParameterConfigParams data -> CliBuilder (List data) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add a parameter of a custom type that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

You need to provide a kebab-case type name for your help messages as well as a parser for said type. The parser needs to return an Err (InvalidValue Str) on failure, where the Str is the reason the parsing failed that will get displayed in the incorrect usage message.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the values fail to parse.

Parameters must be provided last after any option or subcommand fields, as they are parsed last of the three extracted values, and parameter list fields cannot be followed by any other fields. This is enforced using the type state pattern, where we encode the state of the program into its types. If you're curious, check the internal Builder module to see how this works using the action type variable.

    Color : [Green, Red, Blue]

    parse_color : Arg -> Result Color [InvalidValue Str, InvalidUtf8]
    parse_color = \color ->
        when Arg.to_str color is
            Ok "green" -> Ok Green
            Ok "red" -> Ok Red
            Ok "blue" -> Ok Blue
            other -> Err (InvalidValue "'$(other)' is not a valid color, must be green, red, or blue")

    { parser } =
        Param.list { name: "answer", type: "color", parser: parse_color },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "blue", "red", "green"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [Blue, Red, Green]

arg : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams Arg -> CliBuilder Arg {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required Arg parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided.

    { parser } =
        Param.arg { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "abc"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Arg.from_str "abc")

maybe_arg : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder ArgValue {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional Arg parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments cannot fail because of this parameter.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_arg { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

arg_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List Arg) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add an Arg parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments cannot fail because of this parameter.

    { parser } =
        Param.arg_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "abc", "def", "ghi"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed ( ["abc", "def", "ghi"] Arg.from_str)

bytes : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams (List U8) -> CliBuilder (List U8) {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required byte list parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided.

    { parser } =
        Param.arg { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "abc"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [97, 98, 99]

maybe_bytes : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result (List U8) [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional byte list parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments cannot fail because of this parameter.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_bytes { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

bytes_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List (List U8)) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add a byte list parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments cannot fail because of this parameter.

    { parser } =
        Param.bytes_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "abc", "def", "ghi"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [[97, 98, 99], [100, 101, 102], [103, 104, 105]]

str : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams Str -> CliBuilder Str {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required string parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or if it is not valid UTF-8.

    { parser } =
        Param.str { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "abc"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed "abc"

maybe_str : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result Str [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional string parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not valid UTF-8.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_str { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

str_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List Str) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add a string parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the arguments are not valid UTF-8.

    { parser } =
        Param.str_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "abc", "def", "ghi"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed ["abc", "def", "ghi"]

dec : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams Dec -> CliBuilder Dec {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required Dec parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or it is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.dec { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "42.5"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed 42.5

maybe_dec : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result Dec [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional Dec parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_dec { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

dec_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List Dec) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add a Dec parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the parameters are not valid numbers.

    { parser } =
        Param.dec_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "12", "34", "--", "-56.0"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [12.0, 34.0, -56.0]

f32 : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams F32 -> CliBuilder F32 {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required F32 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or it is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.f32 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "42.5"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed 42.5

maybe_f32 : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result F32 [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional F32 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_f32 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

f32_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List F32) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add a F32 parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the parameters are not valid numbers.

    { parser } =
        Param.f32_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "12", "34", "--", "-56.0"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [12.0, 34.0, -56.0]

f64 : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams F64 -> CliBuilder F64 {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required F64 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or it is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.f64 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "42.5"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed 42.5

maybe_f64 : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result F64 [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional F64 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_f64 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

f64_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List F64) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add a F64 parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the parameters are not valid numbers.

    { parser } =
        Param.f64_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "12", "34", "--", "-56.0"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [12, 34, -56.0]

u8 : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams U8 -> CliBuilder U8 {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required U8 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or it is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.u8 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "42"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed 42

maybe_u8 : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result U8 [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional U8 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_u8 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

u8_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List U8) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add a U8 parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the parameters are not valid numbers.

    { parser } =
        Param.u8_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "12", "34", "56"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [12, 34, 56]

u16 : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams U16 -> CliBuilder U16 {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required U16 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or it is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.u16 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "42"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed 42

maybe_u16 : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result U16 [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional U16 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_u16 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

u16_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List U16) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add a U16 parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the parameters are not valid numbers.

    { parser } =
        Param.u16_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "12", "34", "56"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [12, 34, 56]

u32 : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams U32 -> CliBuilder U32 {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required U32 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or it is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.u32 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "42"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed 42

maybe_u32 : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result U32 [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional U32 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_u32 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

u32_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List U32) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add a U32 parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the parameters are not valid numbers.

    { parser } =
        Param.u32_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "12", "34", "56"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [12, 34, 56]

u64 : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams U64 -> CliBuilder U64 {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required U64 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or it is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.u64 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "42"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed 42

maybe_u64 : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result U64 [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional U64 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_u64 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

u64_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List U64) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add a U64 parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the parameters are not valid numbers.

    { parser } =
        Param.u64_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "12", "34", "56"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [12, 34, 56]

u128 : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams U128 -> CliBuilder U128 {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required U128 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or it is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.u128 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "42"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed 42

maybe_u128 : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result U128 [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional U128 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_u128 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

u128_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List U128) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add a U128 parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the parameters are not valid numbers.

    { parser } =
        Param.u128_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "12", "34", "56"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [12, 34, 56]

i8 : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams I8 -> CliBuilder I8 {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required I8 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or it is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.i8 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "42"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed 42

maybe_i8 : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result I8 [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional I8 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_i8 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

i8_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List I8) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add an I8 parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the parameters are not valid numbers.

    { parser } =
        Param.i8_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "12", "34", "--", "-56"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [12, 34, -56]

i16 : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams I16 -> CliBuilder I16 {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required I16 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or it is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.i16 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "42"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed 42

maybe_i16 : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result I16 [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional I16 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_i16 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

i16_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List I16) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add an I16 parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the parameters are not valid numbers.

    { parser } =
        Param.i16_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "12", "34", "--", "-56"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [12, 34, -56]

i32 : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams I32 -> CliBuilder I32 {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required I32 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or it is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.i32 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "42"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed 42

maybe_i32 : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result I32 [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional I32 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_i32 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

i32_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List I32) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add an I32 parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the parameters are not valid numbers.

    { parser } =
        Param.i32_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "12", "34", "--", "-56"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [12, 34, -56]

i64 : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams I64 -> CliBuilder I64 {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required I64 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or it is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.i64 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "42"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed 42

maybe_i64 : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result I64 [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional I64 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_i64 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

i64_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List I64) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add an I64 parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the parameters are not valid numbers.

    { parser } =
        Param.i64_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "12", "34", "--", "-56"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [12, 34, -56]

i128 : DefaultableParameterConfigBaseParams I128 -> CliBuilder I128 {}action GetParamsAction

Add a required I128 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not provided or it is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.i128 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "42"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed 42

maybe_i128 : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (Result I128 [NoValue]) {}action GetParamsAction

Add an optional I128 parameter to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if the parameter is not a valid number.

    { parser } =
        Param.maybe_i128 { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed (Err NoValue)

i128_list : ParameterConfigBaseParams -> CliBuilder (List I128) {}action StopCollectingAction

Add an I128 parameter that can be provided multiple times to your CLI builder.

Parsing arguments will fail if any of the parameters are not valid numbers.

    { parser } =
        Param.i128_list { name: "answer" },
        |> Cli.finish { name: "example" }
        |> Cli.assert_valid

    parser ["example", "12", "34", "--", "-56"]
    == SuccessfullyParsed [12, 34, -56]