
InvalidNumberError : [ Empty, InvalidNumber, CannotStartWithZero ]

The provided numeric identifier is invalid.

invalidNumberErrorToStr : InvalidNumberError -> Str

Render an InvalidNumberError to a string.

InvalidIdentifierError : [ EmptySegment, InvalidIdentifier ]

The provided identifier is invalid.

invalidIdentifierErrorToStr : InvalidIdentifierError -> Str

Render an InvalidIdentifierError to a string.


The provided semantic version is invalid.

invalidSemverErrorToStr : InvalidSemverError -> Str

Render an InvalidSemverError to a string.


The provided version requirement is invalid.

invalidVersionReqErrorToStr : InvalidVersionReqError -> Str

Render an InvalidVersionReqError to a string.


The provided comparator is invalid.

invalidComparatorErrorToStr : InvalidComparatorError -> Str

Render an InvalidComparatorError to a string.